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Англо-русский словарь по электронике - north


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Перевод с английского языка north на русский


север || северный

grid northmagnetic northtrue north

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  light(s) noun; pl.; = northern lights NORTH  1. noun  1) север; naut. норд  2) (North) северная часть страны (Англии - к северу от залива Хамбер; США - севернее р. Огайо)  3) норд, северный ветер  2. adj.  1) северный  2) обращенный к северу  3. adv. к северу, на север, в северном направлении; lies north and south - тянется (в направлении) с севера на юг - north about - north of  4. v. двигаться к северу NORTH about naut. северным путем, огибая Шотландию; NORTH America noun Северная Америка NORTH Briton шотландец NORTH Cape noun мыс Нордкап NORTH Sea noun Северное море NORTH Carolina noun Северная Каролина NORTH Dakota noun Северная Дакота NORTH of к северу от; NORTH Pole noun geogr. Северный полюс ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. север geographic(al) (true) north —- географический (истинный) север magnetic north —- северный магнитный полюс to overlook the north —- выходить на север (об окне и т. п.) 2. мор. норд N. by East —- норд-тень-ост N. by West —- норд-тень-вест 3. север, северная часть или область; северный район; северная окраина (города); северная оконечность (острова) 4. (N.) полярные страны; Крайний Север, Арктика 5. (the N.) северные страны (Европы и т. п.); северные штаты США; северяне, население северных районов; ам. ист. северяне 6. северный ветер; также аквилон, борей 7. (N.) полит. эк. промышленно развитые страны 8. северный north wind —- северный ветер, норд N. Britain —- Северная Британия, Шотландия 9. мор. нордовый 10. арктический, полярный 11. обращенный к северу; выходящий на север north window —- окно, выходящее на север Id: north eye —- сл. косоглазие Id: too far north —- слишком уж хитер (намек на йоркширцев, которые славятся своей хитростью) 12. к северу, на север, в северном направлении to travel north —- идти к северу Scotland lies north of England —- Шотландия лежит (расположена) к северу от Англии further north than... —- (еще) севернее... due north —- прямо на север lies north and south —- простирается (тянется) с севера на юг 13. с севера (о ветре) the wind blows north —- ветер...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  Север Экономико-статистический район США region, существовавший до 1960. В настоящее время разделен на два экономико-статистических района, выделяемых Бюро переписей США - Северо-Восток Northeast и Средний Запад Midwest ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) к северу 2) на север 3) север 4) северный magnetic north line — полуденная линия North Atlantic Drift — геогр. течение Северное Пассатное - due north - grid north - north point - north pole - seek North - travel North ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n., adj., & adv. --n. 1 a the point of the horizon 90° anticlockwise from east. b the compass point corresponding to this. c the direction in which this lies. 2 (usu. the North) a the part of the world or a country or a town lying to the north, esp. = north country or Northern States. b the Arctic. c the industrialized nations. 3 (North) Bridge a player occupying the position designated 'north'. --adj. 1 towards, at, near, or facing north. 2 coming from the north (north wind). --adv. 1 towards, at, or near the north. 2 (foll. by of) further north than. Phrases and idioms North American adj. of North America. --n. a native or inhabitant of North America, esp. a citizen of the US or Canada. north and south lengthwise along a line from north to south. north by east (or west) between north and north-north-east (or north-north-west). north country the northern part of England (north of the Humber). North-countryman (pl. -men) a native of the north country. north-east n. 1 the point of the horizon midway between north and east. 2 the compass point corresponding to this. 3 the direction in which this lies. --adj. of, towards, or coming from the north-east. --adv. towards, at, or near the north-east. North-East the part of a country or town lying to the north-east. north-easterly adj. & adv. = north-east. north-eastern lying on the north-east side. north-east passage a passage for ships along the northern coast of Europe and Asia, formerly thought of as a possible route to the East. north light light from the north, esp. as desired by painters and in factory design. north-north-east the point or direction midway between north and north-east. north-north-west the point or direction midway between north and north-west. North Pole 1 the northernmost point of the earth's axis of rotation. 2 the northernmost point about which the stars appear to revolve. North Sea the sea between Britain, the Netherlands, Germany, and Scandinavia. North Star the polestar. north-west n. 1 the point of the horizon midway between north and west. 2 the...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. biographical name Christopher — see John Wilson  II. biographical name Douglass Cecil 1920- American economist  III. biographical name Frederick 1732-1792 Lord ~ English statesman; prime minister (1770-82)  IV. biographical name Sir Thomas 1535-?1603 English translator NORTH  I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English; akin to Old High German nord ~ and perhaps to Greek nerteros lower, infernal  Date: before 12th century to, toward, or in the ~  II. adjective  Date: before 12th century  1. situated toward or at the ~ the ~ entrance  2. coming from the ~ a ~ wind  III. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. the direction of the ~ terrestrial pole ; the direction to the left of one facing east  b. the compass point directly opposite to south  2. capitalized  a. regions or countries lying to the ~ of a specified or implied point of orientation  b. the industrially and economically developed nations of the world — compare south 5  3. often capitalized  a. the one of four positions at 90-degree intervals that lies to the ~ or at the top of a diagram  b. a person occupying this position in the course of a specified activity (as the game of bridge) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  also North Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. The north is the direction which is on your left when you are looking towards the direction where the sun rises. In the north the ground becomes very cold as the winter snow and ice covers the ground... Birds usually migrate from north to south. N-UNCOUNT: also the N 2. The north of a place, country, or region is the part which is in the north. The scheme mostly benefits people in the North and Midlands. ...a tiny house in a village in the north of France. N-SING: usu the N, oft N of n 3. If you go north, you travel towards the north. Anita drove north up Pacific Highway. ADV: ADV after v 4. Something that is north of a place is positioned to the north of it. ...a little village a few miles north of Portsmouth. ADV: usu ADV of n 5. The north edge, corner, or part of a place or country is the part which is towards the north. ...the north side of the mountain... They were coming in to land on the north coast of Crete. ADJ: ADJ n 6. ‘North’ is used in the names of some countries, states, and regions in the north of a larger area. There were demonstrations this weekend in cities throughout North America, Asia and Europe. ADJ: ADJ n 7. A north wind is a wind that blows from the north. ...a bitterly cold north wind. ADJ: ADJ n 8. The North is used to refer to the richer, more developed countries of the world. Malaysia has emerged as the toughest critic of the North’s environmental attitudes. N-SING: the N NORTH see north ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 North written abbreviation N ~ n 1 the direction that is at the top of a map of the world, above the equator, and is on the left of a person facing the rising sun  (Which way is north? | from/towards the north)  (a strong wind was blowing from the north | to the north (of))  (Cheshunt is a few miles to the north of London. | in the north)  (A strange light appeared in the north. | The wind is in the north. (=is coming from the north)) 2 the North a) the northern part of a country  (The North will be dry and bright. | in the north of England) b) the northeastern states of the US, which fought against the South in the American Civil War c) the richer countries of the world, especially Europe and North America ~2 written abbreviation N ~ adj 1 in the north or facing the north  (The north side of the building doesn't get much sun. | He lives in North Wales.) 2 a north wind comes from the north ~3 written abbreviation N ~ adv 1 towards the north  (The birds fly north in summer. | Chicago is four hours north of Indianapolis. | a north-facing window) 2 up north informal to or in the north of the country  (They've moved up north.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. norр, from P.Gmc. *nurtha-, possibly ult. from Oscan-Umbrian (extinct It. language) nertro- "left," as north is to the left when one faces the rising sun. The same notion underlies Ir. tuaisceart "north." The word for "north" in the Romance languages is ultimately from English. North-easter "wind blowing from the northeast" is from 1794. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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